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President’s Message/End of Year 2024 (from our closing event)
From Terrie Sherman
Welcome everyone! Before we begin, would all of our new members who have joined in the past year please stand. We are so glad you all are a part of our Brandeis family.
This year has been so very successful and full of high energy. Forty-one new members! We set a record. Our year began in October with the opening luncheon at Café à La C’Art honoring Steve Seltzer. The weather cooperated and we enjoyed lunch on the patio! Our successful study group programs also began in September and October.
November was the Souper Super at Steve and Janet Seltzer’s home. About fifty people enjoyed a delicious meal of various soups and salad.
January was our stimulating University on Wheels with Professor Zack Albert. We were honored to have our National President, Merle Carrus and her husband Steve join us. Our winter study groups began as well. In all, we offered 38 varied and successful study groups.
In February was our delicious WE LOVE OUR MEMBERS and OUR KOOGLES at Susan Berger’s beautiful home. Thank goodness we had a magic wand to remove all the calories and carbs from these delicacies!
The first week of March was an outstanding Book and Author event. One hundred ninety-one people attended our event. From the dinner the night before to the luncheon, attendees were in awe of the day. Over 80 irresistible items sold in our silent auction. People are still kvelling about it!
And this brings us to today- our installation and closing event. We are so honored that over 70 of our members are in attendance. Our chapter has had a fabulous year, and we want to keep the momentum going into next year. May 6th, we will have our board meeting on zoom where we will be planning our events for the coming year. Please come and join us with your creative ideas! New members equal new ideas. Our goal for the coming year is to have members feel a part of our Brandeis family, not apart from.
Thank you for what you do to help us achieve that goal.
Who can Join Brandeis?
All are welcome to join Brandeis.
Anyone of any faith is welcome!
Anyone who attended any University or did not attend a University are welcome!
Anyone whose children attended any university are welcome!

About Brandeis
Part of the pleasure of being a Brandeis National Committee (BNC) member is the pride of affiliation with Brandeis University, a center of academic excellence.
Our learning opportunities provide inexpensive intellectual and social stimulation for our members through our carefully designed course work. All of our events enable members to connect with like-minded people in the Tucson community while being educated or entertained. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we use Zoom and in-person Study Groups.
Through our Social Justice/Community Service activities and programs (currently Assistance League of Tucson, The Emerge! Center Against Domestic Violence, Youth on Their Own [YOTO], and the Sister Jose Women’s Center for homeless women), members have the opportunity to give back to the Tucson community.
On a personal level members gain satisfaction from the sharing of a common purpose—to raise funds to help sustain the prestigious position of Brandeis University in the upper echelon of American higher education by supporting the students, faculty, libraries, research, the Tucson Chapter Endowed Scholarship for a Tucson-area student accepted to Brandeis University, and the Sustaining the Mind fund for scholarship and research in neurodegenerative diseases..
How We Do It
We fulfill our mission when you join the Tucson Chapter of the BNC and donate through our many programs. The BNC plays a critical role in advancing the academic excellence of the University.
We raise money through our Events, Study Groups, and Book Fund.