Upcoming Brandeis Events
University on Wheels
January 9, 2025, 9:30-12
JCC 3800 River Rd. Tucson $10 Per Person Coffee, Tea, Water and Sweets
Reservations and Checks made out to BNC should be sent by January 3,2025 to
Barbara Wilder
14106 N. Forthcamp Ct
Oro Valley, AZ 85755
“We Love Our Members”
When: Monday, February 17, 2025
Where: Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery
Exhibits of Native American & Western Artwork and Crafts
Enjoy a short gallery lecture about the current exhibit, “Masters of Drawing,” which features multiple artists
Location: 6872 S. Sunrise Drive (next to Risky Business Restaurant)
Time (s): 10:30 Group begins with gallery lecture
11:30 Lunch (self-paid) at Risky Business
Send check for $8.00 made out to BNC should be sent to:
Erica Friedman
1473 N. Camino Villa Bonita
Tucson, AZ 85715
As we prepare for Book and Author
Is your study group leader a super star? Do you get excited about your next study group date? Let’s honor our study group leaders with a full-page ad in our program book for our Brandeis Book and Author Event. We are currently asking for donations of $5.00 for each study group you are attending or whatever amount you feel comfortable with. Please send your check, made out to BNC, no later than January 15th to our Chapter Treasurer, Sybil Lampert 6469 N. Foothills Drive, Tucson, AZ 85718. And, while we are asking….
To make the Book & Author Event a success, we are calling on the support of our members to volunteer your time and skills. There are various ways to help, from soliciting items for the silent auction to setting up and working the auction the day of the event. Drivers to chauffeur the authors are needed, also. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Susan Berger: susanfberger@gmail.com Donna Leavitt: donrae7@comcast.net or Wendy Yanow: wammy18@gmail.com.
January 9, 2025: University on Wheels
January 30: Prospective & New Member Get- Together
February 17: We Love Our Members
March 12: Book and Author Dinner (For info) brandeisbooknauthor@gmail.com
March 13: Book and Author Luncheon and Program
March 31: Prospective & New Member Get- Together
April 7: Closing Event & Installation
Watch your email for our bulletins and event details.
Looking forward to seeing you throughout the year!
Chapter events take precedence over Study Group meeting times. Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. Helping out is an easy way to get involved and get to know others