Officers & Board

2024-2025 Officers and Board Members 
 All email inquiries:
Presiding Officers:Annette Cremisi and Terrie Sherman
VP Book and Author:Open
VP Book Fund, Tributes:Rachel Barker
VP Bulletin:Denise and Chuck Frenz
VP Website:Kim Schweitzer
VP Membership:Amy Schwartz and Tammy Strobel
VP Study Groups:Yvonne and Stuart Lorch
VP Virtual Communication:Davya Cohen
Corresponding Secretary:Krista Stoker
Financial Secretary:Terrie Sherman
Recording Secretary:Maxine Goldstein
Treasurer:Sybil Lampert
Advisors:Marsha Rosenblum & Maxine Goldstein


Chapter Information Officer:Marianne Taussig
Retention:Tammy Strobel
Social Justice Chair:Marilyn Lobell
Study Group Registrar:Terrie Sherman
Sunshine:Lois Bodin


Ellen Adelstein
Barbara Entin
Erica Friedman
Donna Leavitt
Paul Schwartz
Barbara Wilder

Nominating Committee:

Shelly Abell, Rachel Barker, Erica Friedman, Donna Richman, Marcia Sabesin, Marianne Taussig, Barbara Wilder 

Honorary Members:

All past presidents and incumbent members of Regional and National Boards.